E-BOK SS-EN 17680:2023 Hållbarhet hos byggnadsverk

- Utvärdering av potential för hållbar renovering av byggnader


1 416 krexkl.moms

Europastandarden EN 17680:2023 gäller som svensk standard. Detta dokument innehåller den officiella engelska versionen av EN 17680:2023.

This document provides a methodology for the evaluation of the potential for sustainable refurbishment of an existing building, as a means of contributing to the circular economy, to support the decision-making process. Sustainable refurbishment aims to close the gap between current performance and current requirements fulfilling authorities’ sustainability regulations and contribute to meet sustainability goals which maximizes the environmental, social and economic performance. It also aims to allow the adaptability to fulfil future needs. It can be used for a building or part(s) of a building, as well as a portfolio of buildings.